
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lyla - 10 Months

I know I say this everytime, but I must say it again. Lyla is growing way too fast. She is such a happy baby! She loves screaming to hear her voice, looking at herself in the mirror, digging in her closet, clapping for herself and others, waving bye-bye and then clapping for herself, playing with her "bubbas" and occassionally she will say "bubba." She has started pointing to things like the lights, sun, and basketball goals. Her favorite word is Dada and boy does she love him! I'm glad she is learning at such a young age what she needs to do to get anything she wants :) She can go from lying down/crawling to sitting up. She enjoys sitting like a big girl in a highchair & buggy when we go out. We are having so much fun and we are all 4 so very thankful God gave us this sweet baby!


Jennifer said...

She looks so happy! What a beautiful girl! And you are right, Zoe just looks at her daddy and says, "Pease (please) Daddy!" and she gets whatever her heart desires.

Leslie said...

Can I please just say she is PRECIOUS and ADORABLE!!!!! Those eyes are just so happy!!!:) Blessings...

Momg said...


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